Atlanta Takes More Water from Chattahoochee

download (58)If you live in the Atlanta Metro Area, then you’ve got really good odds that your drinking water comes from the Chattahoochee River. As Atlanta’s population grows, the demands on the river are going up, and that’s been causing a long-standing water war with neighboring states.

That war just had another shot fired when Atlanta approved new regulations that allows Atlanta to take more water from the river during drought conditions. But this could put the water quality of the Chattahoochee at even greater risk. Previously, there was a requirement that the intersection of the Chattahoochee and Peachtree Creek had to have a water flow of 750 cubic feet per second. This was so that downstream fish and recreational areas would have enough water. It was also so there would be sufficient dilution of sewage wastes from 12 sewage plants downstream of this point.


With less water flowing through the area now, it could put a lot of fish and even tourism at risk. The Georgia Water Coalition has named the Chattahoochee one of Georgia’s “Dirty Dozen”, one of the twelve water sources with the most water quality problems.


It’s now more important than ever to ensure your business has adequate filtration in place to handle Atlanta’s water quality problems. If you would like to have your system inspected, contact Metro Water Filter for an estimate. Water filtration is our only business. We will make sure that your system can handle any changes in pollution levels.

Water filters GA

Metro Water Filter of the South
1901 Montreal Rd | Suite 105 | Tucker, GA 30084

770-934-7991 (p)

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