Does Throwing Money at Water Quality Initiatives Help?

downloadIncreasing water quality is something that government agencies at every level are concerned with more than ever. Even with increased funding at state and federal levels to keep waterways clean, it can prove to be a challenge. That’s what officials in the state of Iowa are finding out.

Even though the state has increased its funding for initiatives designed to protect the state’s water supply by millions of dollars since the 1980’s, the Iowa Geological Survey said in a recent survey that there haven’t been any substantial improvements made toward that goal.

According to Keith Schilling, who took a look at 50 rivers for the survey, only six of the rivers had changed. Those rivers had increased levels of nitrate concentration, which is one form of water pollution. However, Schilling also said that phosphorous levels in the water were on the decrease, which is a sign of decreased soil erosion from farmlands.

Not everyone agrees that things haven’t improved though. In a recent radio interview, retired farmer and administrator for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources Wayne Gieselman, who has been working actively with various water quality programs in Iowa, said that although the state has a lot of work to do, the state has come a long way since the 1970’s when water pollution was even more of a problem.

In every state in the country and in every community, water quality is a primary concern. Keeping contaminants such as pollution and bacteria out of the water supply is important to everybody. Over the years, advances have been made in helping communities keep their drinking water supplies clean. At Metro Water Filter we offer solutions to help maintain water quality for businesses and cities. Call us today to find out more about how we can help your water quality improve.

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