Has your Water been Tested Lately?

downloadHow do scientists find out whether or not a body of water is polluted? It is up to water quality scientists to send samples of water back to labs to find out what is inside our nation’s waterways. In the lab, they look for common pollutants that can show that a waterway is being damaged or that water might make you sick.

Water tests are a necessity in our industry. The only way you can scientifically tell how well a filter works is to compare water test results from water before it goes through the filter and after. Many businesses and municipalities test their water at least once a year to ensure high quality water gets to where it needs to go.

Federal and state regulations set limits on the amount of pollutants that can be in water before it is unsafe to drink, but many cities want even tighter restrictions. The only way to ensure you are meeting the standards is to test your water regularly.

Do you need assistance in getting your water quality tested? Let Metro Water Filter help you out. We can test your water and recommend different filtration systems to eliminate any minerals, bacteria, or other pollutants that we find. Whether you own a small business or you need to figure out how to get extra-clean water to a power plant, we have a solution for you. Contact our offices today for a free consultation.

Water filters GA

Metro Water Filter of the South
1901 Montreal Rd | Suite 105 | Tucker, GA 30084

770-934-7991 (p)

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© Copyright 2023 Metro Water Filter of the South Water Filtration Service Areas | All Rights Reserved.