Local Waffle House Dinged Hard by Health Inspector

download (13)One place where clean water is an absolute necessity is the food service industry. A restaurant will suffer in quality, or even get shut down by a health inspector, if the water for washing hands and food is of poor quality. There also needs to be clean water available for ice, drinking, and cooking in a restaurant setting.

Most of the time a poor score from a health inspector isn’t because of an unchanged water filter, though that can be a negative mark. Instead, it’s how the employees use that water. Or fail to use it in the case of one Buckhead Waffle House. That Waffle House received a health inspection score of 60. Quite low!

The inspector noticed the following:

  • Employees never washed their hands during the entire inspection
  • Saran wrap was stored next to chemicals
  • Raw ham stored next to and above other perishables, creating a cross contamination hazard
  • An ice scoop and a jacket (!) in the ice machine.
  • Clogged drains, which depending on the plumbing and severity could make a filter system useless.
  • And lastly, a wide-open back door that let in all matter of vermin.

The company issued an apology and said it has fixed the problems and given the employees more food safety training. No re-inspection date has been set.

Don’t let unsanitary conditions shut down your restaurant. Keep your employees trained on food safety and always have plenty of clean water on hand. If you notice things like cloudy ice or hear about complaints with the food, consider giving Metro Water Filters a call so we can inspect your water filtration system.

Water filters GA

Metro Water Filter of the South
1901 Montreal Rd | Suite 105 | Tucker, GA 30084

770-934-7991 (p)

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