Water Purification Competition Highlights New Technologies

download (11)Some of the most innovative solutions to water purification are coming out of Africa. Africa has long faced infrastructure problems that have forced inventors to come up with ways to make portable purification units. The units must be robust by design and able to handle the wide variety of harmful pathogens present.

The Standard Bank Water 4 Africa Challenge solicited work by water purification inventors in early, mid, and late-stage development to compete for cash prizes. The mid-stage winner is the MAJI 1200 water purification system. Mid-stage means that the solution has been tested and is ready for its first deployment out in the field.

The MAJI 1200 uses a combination of solar power and UV light technology to purify water in ways that chlorine alone cannot. UV light damages the DNA of microorganisms. It can be used either in combination with chlorine or as a substitute. UV also has the advantage of making water tastier to drink compared to chlorinated water.

The two people developing the system, Dr. Lloyd Muzangwa and George Kahabuka, believe that knowledge should be shared freely. They are now soliciting money to develop modifications to the basic system to meet different needs, such as a grid-tied system and smaller ones for more remote areas.

To learn more about the other winners, check out the news link above or their Gofundme page at http://www.gofundme.com/ohyrac. If you have questions about large-scale water purification for your business or community, contact Metro Water Filter for a consultation.

Water filters GA

Metro Water Filter of the South
1901 Montreal Rd | Suite 105 | Tucker, GA 30084

770-934-7991 (p)

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