Have you ever thought about what makes your water drinkable? A question like this is probably not something that keeps you up at night. In fact, it very well may have never crossed your mind before. If you did not know already, there are actually five important indicators of water quality. In honor of it being National Water Quality Month, we are going to discuss these five factors in detail and how to maintain them with the best water home systems in Georgia. water home system Georgia

5 Indicators of Water Quality

1. Dissolved Oxygen

Dissolved Oxygen is simply the amount of oxygen that is in your water. It is a key factor in determining water quality, and it plays a crucial role in biological processes. The taste of drinking water is also due to its level of dissolved oxygen. The higher the DO levels, the better tasting the water will be. While that may sound like a pro, there are also cons to higher levels. Damage to industrial components and increased corrosion are two effects of high DO levels. In order to keep levels down, thus keeping maintenance and repair costs down, you want your home system to use water with a lower dissolved oxygen concentration.

2. pH 

The pH levels in your drinking water are indicators of acidity. While EPA considers pH levels to be “aesthetic,” in regards to quality, the different levels are still distinguishable. For example, Alkaline water, which has a pH of 8 to 9, is said to have health benefits. If you struggle with issues like acid reflux or high blood pressure, check out this study on how Alkaline water may be able to help your symptoms.  As for general drinking water, the recommended pH level is 6.5 to 8.5.

water home system Georgia3. Temperature

Water temperature can determine a variety of factors that make up the water quality. It helps us to see the chemical, biological, and physical characteristics of the water. This ultimately leads to the body’s health effects and whether or not it is fit for human consumption. It also affects the dissolved oxygen levels, which we know is another key component in quality.

4. Salinity

Salinity refers to the levels of salt content in water. The most obvious effect of salinity on water quality is going to be the taste. Additionally, high salinity levels can also lead to health problems such as cardiovascular diseases, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

water home system Georgia5. Nutrients

Nutrients, specifically nitrogen and phosphorous, can pollute drinking water and affect the overall quality. When there is an overflow in these nutrients, an excessive number of algae grows. The toxins that are produced by the algae have harmful effects on humans in the form of rashes, liver and kidney damage, and respiratory issues.

Check Your Water Quality

Contact Metro Water Filter of the South for a Free Water Diagnosis

Now that you know the 5 Indicators of Water Quality, you should see if your home or business’s water passes the test! Celebrate National Water Quality Month by scheduling a water consultation. If you live in Georgia, let an expert from Metro Water Filter take a look at your home water system. They will analyze any water problem and determine the best solution.

Contact Metro Water Filter

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Water filters GA

Metro Water Filter of the South
1901 Montreal Rd | Suite 105 | Tucker, GA 30084

770-934-7991 (p)

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